Sunday squad training sessions: 7 August

The next Sunday Squad session is on Sunday 7 August.

Looking to compete? Want to hone your sparring skills or get in some more training? Our Sunday Squad training sessions are open to all students yellow belt and above. Sessions run monthly, but pick up in frequency in the run up to events.

The next squad session is on Sunday 7 August, 10am-12pm.
Sessions are £5 each, payable on the day. Please book your space on Gymcatch.

Since the last competition, the competition squad has gathered momentum. Sessions have continued over the summer (even on one of the hottest days of the year!) and we're now looking forward to the next competitions. These are:

North Lanarkshire Open ‘22 | 10 September, Ravenscraig Sports Facility
GM Sutherland XXV Open Championships | 30 October, Ravenscraig Sports Facility

We'll post entry details for the competitions when we have them.

Thinking about competing? Read about our last competition, the Scottish Open