We're moving...

The lease in our James Street centre is coming to an end. But we’ve outgrown the space, so we’ll be making a move.

You'll probably be aware that the lease in our James Street centre is coming to an end at the end of February. In the 5 years we've been here (it feels like we moved in just yesterday!), the club has grown and flourished. But unfortunately this means we have outgrown the current centre. 

So we won't be renewing the lease there.

Instead we hope to secure new (bigger) premises this year, but in order to ensure we make this huge step forward correctly we can't rush into anything.

So in the meantime, classes will be moving to temporary venues with as little disruption as possible to training. There will be a couple of timetable changes to accommodate this, and we hope to finalise all the details in the next couple of weeks.

We appreciate you will have lots of questions regarding this, and we will pass on all the information we have when we have it - in the meantime please bear with us!