Don’t forget that your first trial class is FREE. Get in touch with us to book a place.


Our Locations



Colquhoun Square
G84 8UP

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Cardross Road
G84 7LA

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Easterhouse Sports Centre
Auchinlea Road
G34 9PQ

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Got questions?

Here are some FAQs you might find helpful.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, get in touch with us using the details above - or fill out the contact form below - and we’ll be happy to help!

  • We offer Martial Arts classes and combat sports training for kids and adults.

    Find out about our classes here

  • We hold classes in Helensburgh at Helensburgh Parish Church and Hermitage Academy. Glasgow East classes are at Easterhouse Sports Centre. You can find directions to both if you scroll to the top of this page.

  • Anyone and everyone! We’ve got everyone from seasoned martial artists honing their technique to complete beginners, from people who work our regularly to others just getting into exercise. You’ll find us a welcoming, friendly and supportive bunch - and that includes other members as well as the coaches.

  • We’ve got regular classes for kids from age 3 upwards.

    See more about classes for kids here

  • Like everything else, it depends on what you’re doing! Monthly membership is by direct debit, and varies depending on how many classes you attend each week.

    See membership details here.

    But don’t forget your first class is free. We’d much rather you came along and tried it out first.

    Get in touch to book a trial or if you’ve any questions.

  • Give us a call, drop us an email or message through Facebook - the details are all at the top of this page.

    See membership details here

  • Membership is easier, as we’re dealing with ongoing training. It’s also usually more cost effective for you to join and pay by monthly direct debit.

    But in some instances you may be able to pay as you go. Get in touch with us and we’ll let you know.

  • Not to start! For your first few lessons you’re fine to wear the kind of clothing you would usually work out in. As with most martial arts there is a suit and protective equipment you may need eventually, but we’ll advise you what you need and how to get it at the time.

  • We have several sessions on over the week, and you’re free to attend as many classes as your membership allows. If you miss any sessions through holidays/illness, you’re welcome to make them up with extra classes on your return.


Still got a question? Tell us what it is