Privacy Policy

We take great care to safeguard the privacy of our users’ data, while also providing the highest quality of service we can. Under Data Protection and GDPR you have a right to know how your personal data is being collected and used.

Who we are

Steven Mclaren Martial Arts (SMMA) is a martial arts and combat sports school and club. .

What do we collect?

Our website ( collects some of your personal information. The information we collect could include:

  • Personal details that you give us, for example, when you sign up for the newsletter or fill out a contact form, or send us an email. This could include your name, address, telephone number etc.

  • Your IP Address. Your IP address is a unique string of numbers which identifies your computer, and it’s recorded by the web server when you request any page or component on the website. We can’t use it to trace it back to identify you, but it’s recorded so that we can see how the website is being used.

  • Other Non-Personally Identifiable Information data might be recorded by the website to allow us to recognise your preferred settings. Such data is recorded locally on your computer through the use of cookies. Most browsers can be programmed to reject, or warn you before downloading cookies - information about that this may be found in your browser’s help facility.

    For more information on our cookies, see our cookie policy.

What do we do with it?

Any information we have which personally identifies you will be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and other applicable laws including GDPR. 

  • We may need to pass the information we collect to other companies for administrative purposes.

  • We may use third parties to carry out certain activities, such as processing and sorting data, monitoring how customers use the website, handling memberships and payments, and sending our emails for us. 

  • Third parties will not be allowed to use your personal information for their own purposes.

  • No Personally Identifiable Information will be passed to a third party without your consent.

  • We only work with reputable companies who are GDPR-compliant. Our website is managed by Squarespace. Website performance is measured by Squarespace and Google Analytics. Payments, both regular monthly and one-off payments, are managed by PayPal and/or Simply Collect.


We may send you marketing emails, which you can unsubscribe from by clicking the link at the bottom of the email. We share your contact information with Mailchimp, our email marketing provider, so they can send these emails on our behalf.

We may also email you with messages about your membership or any orders you place with us. For example, we may email you to tell you that:

  • You’ve created a Customer Account or membership

  • Your Customer Account password has been reset or updated

  • You’ve made a purchase

  • Your order has shipped

It’s not possible to unsubscribe from these messages, because we need to be able to contact you about your membership and/or any purchases. We may share your contact information with our payment partners (PayPal and/or Simply Collect) as part of that process.


This website uses font files from Google Fonts and Adobe Fonts. To properly display this site to you, servers where the font files are stored may receive personal information about you, including:

  • Information about your browser, network, or device

  • Your IP address

Other websites

This privacy policy only covers this website. Any other websites which may be linked to by our website are subject to their own policy, which may differ from ours.

Your Data

If you submit data through our contact and email sign up forms, it is stored in our secure, restricted database. 

We hold on to data securely until it is requested to be erased.

If you wish to see any data we may hold or would like us to delete any data we may hold, please contact us at or by post to Steven Mclaren Martial Arts (SMMA), 20 Roundelwood, Alloa, Scotland FK10 3DG.