Pattern seminar with GM Hutchison 21 August

Our next Pattern Seminar will be hosted by Grandmaster Hutchison on 21 August 2022.

In preparation for our next grading, we’ll be holding our next pattern seminar on Sunday 21st August. And we’re very pleased that this seminar will be hosted by GM Hutchison.

We recommend that everyone takes part, but especially if you’re planning to grade.

The seminar will be held at Hermitage Academy, and starts at 10am. Places should be booked and paid for in advance. You can collect a form from Peak Performance, and the deadline for completed forms is Friday 19th August.

Information about the next grading will be issued nearer the time.

Sunday 21 August, Hermitage Academy, Helensburgh
All Belts 10am - 12pm | £20 per person
Blue Belt & above 10am - 3pm* | £30 per person
*with 1 hour lunch break

If you’ve any questions, please speak to your class instructor or contact us