Online grading for Taekwondo juniors

Due to lockdown, this spring’s Taekwondo gradings had to be cancelled. And it looks pretty much as if the same will need to happen for the summer ones. It’s disappointing, for us the coaches and the students, but especially for the juniors - and we know how important it is for them to get the motivation and sense of achievement of moving up through their belts.

And that’s just in normal times, never mind with what’s going on just now.

So SMMA is now offering online grading for Taekwondo students who are aged 5-8 years old, and who are either on a white or striped belt in the junior syllabus, or up to yellow belt green tag in the adult syllabus.

It’s available now, and you can see more about the online grading here

In short, if your child is doing a striped belt grading, then Mr Mclaren has created videos for each belt level. Watch them, download the theory sheet, practise and then video your child doing their moves and send it back to us.

If your child’s on the adult syllabus, and is looking to grade up to and including green belt, contact Mr Mclaren directly for details.

Videos and any questions can be sent to Mr Mclaren at