NEW WORKOUT! Dads n Pads 2

We’ve added another workout to our Workout at Home section - a new kickboxing combination to progress our previous Dads n Pads routine. We’ve cunningly named it ‘Dads n Pads 2’…

And it goes without saying that this isn’t just for dads! It’s for anyone, and if you can rope someone in to hold pads, then great - if not, shadowbox your way through it.

This combination is based on four punches and a block (left, right, left ribs, right ribs), and is a lot simpler than it sounds. If you’ve been training with us for a while, build up some speed. If it’s all still a bit new, take it at your own pace. And complete beginners might want to check out our Boxing Basic video and the first Dads n Pads before trying this one. You can find both here.

See the workout here