Updated online timetable for May

We’ve updated our online class timetable for May

We’ve updated our online class timetable for May, with slight changes to timings as well as new fitness classes. There are now classes on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

Log in details for classes will be shared through the Peak Performance members group on Facebook, so if you're not already a member join now

All classes are on Zoom, with the Wednesday 2pm class running on both Zoom and Facebook live.

See the timetable below, or  download the PDF version here.


For updates on timetables and class links, follow the Peak Performance members group on Facebook.

Keep an eye, too, on both the Peak Performance and the SMMA facebook pages for other ideas, challenges and workouts. Share your photos and videos with us, let us know how you're getting on, and message us if you'd like any feedback on workouts or technique.

And don’t forget that all the workouts and activities we’ve shared on email are still available for you to do in your own time - see the home workouts here.