
We’re starting to use WhatsApp to keep you updated on events.

As the club is growing bigger and we have more happening, it’s more important than ever to let everyone know what’s going on.

And although we update the website, send out email newsletters every month and post updates on social media, it can sometimes be difficult to make sure everyone is informed if something changes last minute. Or to keep in touch during the actual event itself.

So to help with that, we're going to start using WhatsApp groups for individual events. We’ve already started with a group for the Scottish Open, and one for the seminar.

But don't worry - groups will be set up for a specific event, and the group settings will be set for admin posting only. So you'll only get notifications if we have information to convey on that specific event, and you won’t be bothered by other people asking questions, or going into their own conversations.

From now on, when you hand in a form for seminars/grading you will automatically be added to a WhatsApp group (or sent a link to join depending on your settings). If you aren’t on WhatsApp, we'll text you a request. You don't have to join, and if you don't want to, please let us know - information will still be posted in all the usual ways, you'll just need to keep an eye out for it!