Summer Sessions: Fun sessions

Miss B’s popular fun activity sessions are back for the holidays!

Our ever-popular fun sessions with Miss Barrett will be back during the summer holidays, with a mix of martial arts-inspired games, activities and NERF wars, suitabkle for ages 6+. Available to members and non-members, there are limited dates - and due to popularity they tend to fill up quickly.

Dates are:

  • Tuesday 5th July, Wednesday 6th July, Thursday 7th July
    Closing date for booking: Friday 1st July

  • Tuesday 26th July, Wednesday 27th July, Thursday 28th July
    Closing date for booking: Friday 22nd July

  • Tuesday 2nd August, Wednesday 3rd August, Thursday 4th August
    Closing date for booking: Friday 29th July

All days are 10:00am - 2:00pm. Participants will be expected to wear clothing they can run around in, and to come with a bottle of water and packed lunch (with a cool block).

Prices for each week are:

  • 1 day £20

  • 2 days £35

  • 3 days £55

Please note that spaces are limited and bookings can only be made when we've received a completed booking form and payment. You can pick up a booking form from Peak Performance. Or if you prefer, you can download and print a form here:

Booking form for Tuesday 5th July, Wednesday 6th July, Thursday 7th July
Booking form for Tuesday 26th July, Wednesday 27th July, Thursday 28th July
Booking form for Tuesday 2nd August, Wednesday 3rd August, Thursday 4th August

These sessions are pay-as-you-go and aren’t included in the membership packages.

You don't need to be a member to come along to these sessions!

Feel free to bring friends or family - or If you’re completely new to us, you’re welcome too - but please book spaces in advance using our booking form.

Get in touch if you’ve any questions.

Summer Holidays. Class timetable & summer sessions. Find out what else we've got on this summer.

You might also be interested in what else we’ve got on this summer, including Friday daytime classes for kids, families and teens, and Taekwondo camp. Find out more here