Taekwondo grading 4th December 2021

The next colour belt Taekwondo grading will take place on Saturday 4th December.

This grading is open to anyone who has been deemed eligible by their instructor to grade for promotion. So, in the first instance you should speak to your instructor about whether you’re ready to grade. If you are, you’ll be given a grading form to complete.

Completed forms (with your ITF licence) and payment need to be returned no later than Tuesday 30th November** in order for us to be able to deal with the admin side of things, print certificates, etc.

Anyone handing their form in without payment or after the cut-off date will not be able to grade on this date. You will not be able to turn up and pay on the day.

EDIT: Please note that this grading will now take place at Hermitage Academy.

The details:

Where: Hermitage Academy, Helensburgh

When: 1.30pm - 3.30pm (The grading will start at 1.30pm, please arrive in time ready to start)

What’s involved: The grading will involve fundamental exercise and patterns appropriate to the student’s belt rank and 3, 2 and 1 step sparring.

Yellow belts and above should bring all sparring equipment.

Cost: £30 for students under 8, £40 for 8 and over.

*Can’t find your licence? We can get a replacement for you for £5 - just let us know.

**Please note that due to printing requirements, the cut off for forms and payment is now 30th November.

If you’ve any queries about the grading, please get in touch