Christmas night out

This year's hotly anticipated Christmas night out is Saturday 18th December, 7pm at Rosslea Hall Hotel.

To book your place at *the* social event of the year, we'll need your deposit (£10 per person) before 31st October. Once we've confirmed numbers with the venue, we'll let you know when the balance (£22.50 per person) is due. The evening includes a 3 course meal with 2 glasses of wine and, if you fancy staying over and saving yourself the taxi fare, there are two room available - ask us for details.

We’ll be updating this post with all the details, so keep checking back…

See where the Rosslea Hall Hotel is

Arrivals 7.00pm
Dinner served 7.30pm
Finishes 12.45pm

UPDATE 2 NOVEMBER: Balance due by end of November

Thanks to everyone who’s paid their deposit - it’s going to be a great night! Please pay the balance of £22.50 per person on or before 30th November. And if you could at the same time let us know your course choices from the menu below as well as any food allergies you might have.

Easiest way to let us know your choices is to tell us when you drop your payment off! Alternatively, message us through the Facebook page.