Sunday squad training sessions

Looking to compete this year? Or want to improve your sparring skills? Join Miss B’s Sunday Squad sessions on Sunday 20 March, 3 April, 17 April, 24 April and 22 May.

Miss Barrett will be running some Sunday squad training sessions in the run up to the Scottish Open, to help hone techniques and sparring skills. There will even be some mock matches to help you get familiar with the format before the big day. If you're planning to compete, it makes sense to be on your best form - so we recommend you attend at least a couple of the dates.

Sessions run from 10am on Sundays 20 March, 3 April, 17 April (Easter Sunday), 24 April and 22 May. Sessions are £5 each, payable on the day. Please book your space on Gymcatch.

Unsure about competing? The squad session on 24 April will be test matches to give you a taste of what it's like to compete. Opponents will be matched by age, build and ability, so it's vital that anyone taking part completes a registration form in advance so that we can plan accordingly! Depending on numbers you will get at least one match, and possibly two.

Please complete the form in full and return it no later than 20th April in order to take part.

The session on this day will run 10am-1pm. Speak to your instructor if you’ve any questions.

Download a form for the sparring test matches