International Instructors Course & Technical Seminar

Taekwondo Grandmaster Hutchison is hosting a technical seminar on the weekend of Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th February.

The first day (Saturday 26th, 9am-5pm) is for any colour belts, and black belts should attend both days (Saturday 26th 9am-5pm and Sunday 27th 9am-1pm).

GM Hutchison has also given permission for any colour belts attending to grade a bit earlier than scheduled on completion of the day's technical seminar.

The cost is £90 for the seminar & grading.

If you just want to train without grading, the cost is only £57 for the full day session (colour belts only)

Blackbelts who are attending must attend both sessions (Saturday 26th 9-5pm and Sunday 27th 9-1pm) 

Cost for Blackbelt 1st & 2nd degree is £95 with ITF passport.

Blackbelt 3rd - 6th degree £137 with ITF passport.

The venue for the seminar is The Bay Hotel, Burntisland - see the location here

For more information or to see if you can car share, speak to your instructor.

PLEASE NOTE that because the Taekwondo instructors will be at the seminar, there will be no Little Dragons, Taekwondo or BJJ classes on Saturday 26th February.