Summer training

Please remember we run classes over the school holidays.

All classes will be on, as usual, over the summer.

We understand there’s a lot going on throughout the holidays, but hope that students do their best to attend as much as they can. If we find any classes are poorly attended, we’ll revise the timetable until August - but we will ensure everyone who wants to has the opportunity to attend training sessions.  

If you do miss sessions due to being on holiday, please feel free to attend multiple sessions to make up for missed training.  

And as with every year, if you have family/friends visiting please feel free to invite them along to training.

During summer it will (hopefully!) be warm and doboks are not the most summer-friendly clothing, so please feel free to wear dobok trousers and a club t-shirt for training.

As always, ask if you’ve any questions. Speak to your class instructor in the first instance. Or, message us on Facebook or drop us an email.

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