And we're back!

Classes are back on at Peak Performance, and it goes without saying that we’re VERY happy about that!

But obviously we’ve had to make changes because of Covid.

The timetable’s changed a bit. Classes are shorter (45 minutes) to allow us to turn things round and clean between sessions. There’ll be fewer spaces available in classes, so we can make sure there’s social distancing. We’ll not be letting any parents or guardians In to the centre, and we’ll only let you in shortly before the class is scheduled to start, to avoid unnecessary crowding. We’ll be admitting students through the front door, but exiting through the fire door at the rear (so if you’re picking up a student from one of the kids classes you should head round to the car park behind the building - the entrance is opposite McColls/the post office). You’ll need a mask to come in, and we’ll take your temperature to check you’re ok. And we’ve tons of soap, hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes.

We’ll also need you to book in to classes online in advance, using our class booking app Gymcatch. That’s so we can monitor numbers (for social distancing) and also so that we have a record of who’s in what class, along with everyone’s contact details, just in case we need it for tracing. Hopefully we won’t, but we need to do it, just in case.

If you don’t have the app, you can download Gymcatch here (it’s free), and once you’ve got it you can book a class on Gymcatch here

And you can see the new timetable here

Finally, it’s pretty obvious, but: if you don’t feel well, please don’t come to class. For advice on covid-19 see NHS Inform here 

Any questions, let us know - and we’ll look forward to seeing you again soon!