Reminder: International ITF Seminar

International ITF Seminar & Black Belt grading with GM Hutchison on 18th & 19th May.

All students blue belt and above are encouraged to come along to this seminar conducted by Grandmaster Hutchison: 

ITF International Technical Seminar

Saturday 18th May - Sunday 19th May

Hermitage Academy, Helensburgh

  • Blue belt - Black tag should attend Saturday only.

  • Black Belts should attend both days. 

  • Black tags grading to 1st Dan will return on Sunday afternoon for the conclusion of their grading.

Registration is via the ITF database at

All SMMA students are registered here, you should have received a registration number starting UK- and password.  If you don’t remember your, please ask us as we have a note of everyone’s registration number and registered email address.  Payment should be made directly to the BITF, a note of their bank details and table of fees can be found on the ITF website (address above) and on our facebook page.

Please note that registration closes on Friday 3rd May.


As always, ask if you’ve any questions. Speak to your class instructor in the first instance. Or, message us on Facebook or drop us an email.

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