Colour Belt Grading, December 2023

We’ll be handing out forms over the next few weeks to students ready for their next promotion, which is in December.

For those who have been given a grading form, the grading will be on:

Saturday 9th December

at Hermitage Academy

Juniors 11:00am - 12:30pm

Seniors 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Completed grading forms and payment must be returned by 7pm on Wednesday 6th December.

We will not be accepting any more forms after this deadline, therefore if you don’t get your form in by then, you will unfortunately be unable to test at this grading.

If you’re looking to grade, you might find our Member’s Area useful - there’s lots of background information, and grading sheets for each promotion level.

Have a look at the Members Area

As always, ask if you’ve any questions. Speak to your class instructor in the first instance. Or, message us on Facebook or drop us an email.