A wee word about Gradings...

Our most recent colour belt grading was on Sunday 17th September - and a huge congratulations to everyone who was promoted.

But it’s worth noting that no student is expected to - or should expect to - grade at every grading. The tests get harder as you move up the belts, and some will take a little longer than others. We have high standards, and we never enter anyone for a grading that they are not ready for or may not pass. Instead, the hard work and assessing is carried out in class, and the grading day should be looked on as more of a display and awards ceremony for students to show off their skills and knowledge.  

So please don’t feel disheartened if you weren’t quite ready for this grading. We owe it to our students, and the club as a whole, to only promote students when they are ready - otherwise they may struggle later on. All of our students are awesome, but sometimes we know they are capable of being even better! Always remember our job is to help you become the best version of you that you can be, and we’d be doing our students a massive disservice to accept anything less. And there are at least 4 gradings a year, so there will always be the opportunity to grade just round the corner. With the expected expansion of the Glasgow East branch, there will also be an option in the future to attend gradings there, too.

If you’re looking to grade, there will always be a focus on grading in classes on the run up to the next date. But the work doesn’t stop after class - students should practice at home, and use the resources in the Members section of the website. You can see the syllabus requirements for grading (as well as other useful information), download PDFs with everything you need to grade - and feel free to print it out and bring it to class with you, so that you and your instructor can highlight what you need to focus on:

See the Members section

See the Grading syllabus and PDFs

As always, ask if you’ve any questions. Speak to your class instructor in the first instance. Or, message us on Facebook or drop us an email.