Personal Training


My name is Mary-Anne (or Mac), and I’m a qualified Personal Trainer. 

As well as being a Coach for SMMA (I take Kickboxing and Little Dragons classes), I’m the club manager, and also a regular at kickboxing and Taekwondo classes. But my day job is as a personal trainer, at Mac Fit PT.

Working as a trainer is my dream job. I discovered a passion for health and fitness through my own experience of yo-yo dieting and chasing all latest fads and quick fixes. After years of frustration, I finally realised that the key to weight loss is a healthy and active lifestyle and a lot of patience. So when I work with clients now I think it helps that I can fully understand where they’re coming from and what it’s like to need a bit of help, guidance and support.

My story

After having 2 children, I was 3 stones overweight and using every excuse I could find not to exercise. But losing and gaining the same 7lbs over and over again was dragging me down. I tried all the usual ‘quick-fixes’ - low-carb, no-carb, slimming clubs. And I thought that none of it worked for me, but in actual fact it was me that didn’t work for me!

I started running, because with the kids and work it was something i could fit in whenever I had time. And that’s when things started to work for me. Everything fell into place. I wanted to eat better to perform better. The better I ate and ran, the better I felt - and I had something new to replace my previous cycle of unhealthy habits.

I first went to the gym to help with my running. And once I was introduced to weight training, I had a new passion! Getting in shape in the gym encouraged me to return to my first passion that I thought I had left behind many years previously - kickboxing.

That’s when I started at SMMA, and where the real story begins. After years of classes, I started coaching and discovered I loved helping others improve themself and find a love for fitness. So I trained and studied, and I’m now a qualified fitness instructor and personal trainer.


What I offer

  • The most popular service I offer, 1-2-1 sessions take place in the fully equipped gym at Chris Bowman Fitness.  1-2-1 sessions are available for either 1,2 or 3 - 1 hour sessions per week. 

    After consultation I will put together a plan for your sessions, taking into account your goals, capabilities and lifestyle.  You will have your own account on an app where all your sessions will be logged, you can log your nutrition and you can send and receive messages from me

    This option is ideal for you if –

    You want to get fit or lose weight but don’t know where to start

    Need the motivation to get started

    Feel like you always start but never keep it up

    Want someone to guide you through your gym sessions to make sure you’re working to your full potential

    Work better when you have a regular appointment and someone to hold you accountable

    PT Packages

    All PT packages are payable by monthly direct debit. The standard packages for 1-2-1 Personal Training are:

    1 session per week: £130 per month

    2 sessions per week: £200 per month

    3 sessions per week: £260 per month

    These are the standard packages but we can personalise a package to suit your needs. For example, your could have a hybrid of in person and online PT or 1-2-1 & shared sessions.  Whatever it is you need I’m confident I can put together a package to suit your needs.  

    Email me to discuss your needs

  • A more affordable option, you can share your sessions with a friend and still have all the same benefits as above.  Shared sessions are limited to 2 people per session.


    All PT packages are payable by monthly Direct Debit.  The standard packages for Sharen Sessions are:

    1 session per week: £80 per month per person

    2 sessions per week: £130 per month per person

    These are the standard packages but we can personalise a package to suit your needs. For example, your could have a hybrid of in person and online PT or 1-2-1 & shared sessions.  Whatever it is you need I’m confident I can put together a package to suit your needs.  

    Email me to discuss your needs

  • With the online service you have all the benefits above but you carry out your sessions on your own as and when suits you.  After consultation, I will put together your programme(s) and you can access them through the app.  The app will have videos with the exercises and a written explanation from me with pointers and things to look out for.  You still have the accountability factor as we will have a weekly check in call to discuss your progress and answer any questions you may have.  Outwith these calls you will have regular contact with me through the app, WhatsApp or direct messages whenever you need it.

    This option is ideal for you if –

    You’re experienced in the gym but still feel like you need some guidance

    You want accountability and guidance but would prefer not to be restricted to certain times

    You’d prefer not to have someone standing over you throughout your workout

    If you’re pretty confident in the gym and just need regular programmes, the silver online option would be ideal for you.  You will receive a 4 week programme and we’d have a check in call on week 3 to arrange the next programme.  You would still have app access and the option to contact me with any problems or questions in between times  


    All PT packages are payable by monthly direct debit.  The standard packages for Online Personal Training are:

    Gold: £80 per month

    Silver: £40 per month 

    These are the standard packages but we can personalise a package to suit your needs. For example, your could have a hybrid of in person and online PT or 1-2-1 & shared sessions.  Whatever it is you need I’m confident I can put together a package to suit your needs.  

    Email me to discuss your needs

  • I can offer nutritional advice for fitness goal or weight loss.

    Contact me to discuss how I can help you.


What my clients say

Doing PT sessions with Mary-Anne has been the best decision I’ve made! I’ve never felt better, I have far more energy and I have dropped a clothes size. But most importantly, I am really enjoying it. The sessions are challenging but not too hard, and she plans for me, my level of fitness and my objectives. I’m so proud of the progress I’ve made!
— Morgane
When I first joined the gym, I found it difficult to keep up. With the patience and guidance of Mary-Anne during my PT sessions, I have improved rapidly - despite my diagnosis with MS. My strength is the best it’s been in years, pad work has enhanced my coordination and most importantly it has boosted my confidence. All our sessions are tailored to suit me. It’s great fun and something I look forward to every week.
— Ros
When I started I was very sore and immobile with arthritis, and as a result was very embarrassed and quite emotional about the way I was feeling. But Mary-Anne has made me feel at ease with all her encouragement and support. I can now exercise safely and enjoy it again. A 1-1 session is definitely the best thing for me. If anyone is thinking about it, please don’t think - just do it. You won’t regret it.
— Louise
I never thought I’d be ‘the type’ to do PTs, I never thought of myself as particularly sporty or athletic. But I wanted to supplement the classes I was already doing, and build on specific goals. Classes are good, but they need to suit a variety of people. My PTs are just for me. And I love it. Mary-Anne’s great, down-to-earth and a good laugh - but she knows what’s she’s doing and knows precisely how hard to push you. I can’t recommend her enough.
— Sam


Find out how I can help you.

Have a chat - it costs nothing - and it might just change your life!

Email me at or call me on 07796674091